Sunday, September 21, 2008

MVC Theme - 2009

I usually wait to reveal this later in the year; however, with the new website, Clint Baer moving, and a new coach, I couldn't wait any longer. So, I with great excitement and anticipation, the 2009 MVC Theme is:

"Old Friends, New Beginnings and the Disabled."

March can't come soon enough. Hard to believe it will be our 11th year.


Matt said...

Excellent choice as always.

Hopefully with this much notice Fred can go ahead and start trying to get the sand out of his vagina.

Clint said...

I think we should have shirts made...a shirt for each might be cheaper than buying an actual or two from the tourney and it will have more sentimental value....and we will look cool.

Matt said...

That's 11 years for you and I and 12 for Fred right?

Justin said...

I think 11 for Fred, 10 for you and me, Matt.

Matt said...

This is getting too confusing. We need to make Fred skip a year and then we'll all be even up.

Fred keep your sandy vagina at home this year.

Martin said...

10-11 years - Wow! Very nice. This upcoming year will be my 4th in a row with you guys, and they've all been a blast (except for the whole Bears sucking thing), but I did attend 3 years back in my high school days w/ Speight's family, so can I count this as my 7th year?