Saturday, August 16, 2008

DTV Tuner

Last night, I finally bought a DTV Tuner. It is a Zenith DT901 with an analog pass through feature, which supposedly makes it better. All I know that after hooking it up last night, I wonder what took me so long. I now get 12 channels instead of 5. Now I finally receive ABC. I missed too many mediocre shows over the past year. The whole line up now is:

2-1 Fox
4-1 CBS
5-1 NBC
5-2 NBC Weather Plus
9-1 PBS
9-2 PBS for Kids
9-3 PBS Alternate
9-4 PBS Create
11-1 CW
11-2 No signal - I don't know why but it picks it up
24-1 E/I
30-1 ABC
46-1 My TV

The picture is much better, but on my 25 inch TV, the letterbox makes the picture smaller. This is really the only draw back. The picture is 420i, which is much better than the fuzzy, snowy picture I got before.

The comment sections for various DTV Tuners on the consumer websites have not been very positive. However, the one exception, the Zenith DT901 is pretty good and I recommend it. You can find it at Circuit City.

1 comment:

Martin said...

I hate to be Mr. Technical, but I believe all over the air broadcasts come through in 480i. If you got an over the air DTV tuner to receive digital signals, I believe you're receiving 480p now, instead of 480i, which is a bit of an improvement. But if your TV isn't wired up to display 480p, then you're not really getting the full benefit of the new tuner.

Question is, when you gonna pony up for a decent HDTV so you can get the HDTV signals over the air for the broadcasts? No more settling for 480i/p - watch those broadcasts in all their native 720p/1080i glory!!!

Return that DTV tuner, get a refurbished Vizio (it can recieve DTV signal w/o a separate tuner, and you can get a 32" one for around 400 nowadays, maybe less), and step into the HDTV age, son!!!


Martin (HDTV snob)