This weekend, my friend, Matthew Lowrance, at dinner once again made a case for Event Horizon as the worst movie ever. I have not seen Event Horizon, so he may be right. But it does have a lot to live up to. In my opinion, the worst movie ever is Eye of the Beholder starring Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd. It has no redeeming value whatsoever.
Eye of the Beholder was filmed in 96 or 97, and it was so bad, that the studio decided not to release it. Only after Ewan McGregor became a household name in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (what some would say is an equally awful movie), did the studio release it. They shouldn't have. The plot has no flow and makes no sense. You have no idea whether Ewan McGregor and Ashley Judd's characters are heroes or villains. You keep waiting for the plot to go somewhere and after two-and-a-half hours, it just ends. After the first, and only, time I saw the movie, the audience in the theater laughed and booed when it ended.
I don't want to give anything else away. We may just have to have a weekend (perhaps MVC 2009) where everyone brings his candidate for the worst movie of all time, watch them and declare the winner once and for all.
Comment Cheater Sur Roblox Pc
3 years ago
I like the "Worst Movie Ever" tourney idea, but the problem is I swore I would never watch "The Movie that shall not be named" again.
I guess if this deal really goes down I can talk to Mark and see if he will allow me to break our oath for just one night. Or I can just sit upstairs and play Wii or something for 4 and a half hours.
Well it is for scientific purposes. But, I do not want you to break a pact like that. I still have not seen Eye of the Beholder again and was shocked that Fred watched it again.
I actually like Event Horizon. No, I really do.
I think I even watched it twice. Maybe I have to watch it again w/ Matt so he can point out why it's so bad.
I nominate Fantastic Four as the worst movie ever. A Terrible script, terrible music, a bad story, even worse acting, and pretty damn bad special effects for a big budget movie. God, it was awful. More so that I didn't expect it to be THAT bad. I mean, I wasn't expecting Spider Man, but it wasn't even close to below average comic book movies like Daredevil or Punisher. It was far worse....
I'm sure I've seen worse ones, but that's the fairly recent one that comes to mind.
Fantastic Four was pretty bad. I don't know if I would say that it is the worst movie ever, but it should be given consideration. Any movie should if it is so bad I don't care that Jessica Alba is in it. (But then again, she was really annoying in the Dane Cook movie, Good Luck Chuck I think, and she now married with a kid.)
Eye of the beholder cant be the worst movie ever for one reason. Now I havn't seen it, but it came to video when I was working at movie gallery, and if I'm not mistaken if ashley Judd is in it than it can't be the worst movie ever. It seems like no matter what movie she is in there is either A)nudity with her or b)a sex scene with her. I honestly believe she could make a care bears two movie and some how some way find a spot in the film to be nude or have sex. It is with this knowledge of said actress that I can't see it being the worst movie ever.
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