Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bears Conference Season Begins Now...Finally

Ok, the Bears look like a last place team.  I am going to try to put rose colored glasses on for what has happened so far.  They have played what look like the better teams in the conference so far, and played them on the road.  Their young and have been injury plagued.  If they had more experience and knew how to close games, they would have beat Illinois State, Evansville on the road and Bradley.

Facts are stubborn things, though.  Bears are 0-5 in conference.  What they do have going for them is that Wichita State, the next worst team in the MVC, come into Springfield on Wednesday.  This is a must win.  Beat the Shockers on Wednesday, take the momentum into Normal next weekend and beat those frauds, Illinois State.  Come back to Springfield with confidence to win back-to-back against Drake and UNI.  All of the sudden the Bears are 4-5 with the most difficult part of their schedule done.

The path to respectability is there.  Sure, I am overly optimistic, but I believe that the Bears can do this.  Go Coach 'Zo!  Go Bears!

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