Saturday, December 6, 2008


I have not had much to blog about lately, but I feel like you, the reader, deserve something.  So, I decided to write about my new love of Chick-fil-a.

Last week, I was at a friend's wedding in Knoxville, and while waiting for the ceremony to start, his parents bought a chicken nugget platter.  Now, I had Shoney's breakfast bar just two hours earlier (worthy of another post, why not in Missouri any more?!), and I had no desire to eat anything more.  But the aroma of those chicken nuggets were too much for my mind and stomach.  I proceeded to eat twelve nuggets with the variety sauces available, including the Honey Mustard and Polynesia (a little overrated if you ask me) sauces.  I thought that this would lead to disaster at the wedding, but luckily, my stomach of steel, once again, saved the day.  

Ever since then, I have had a craving for Chick-fil-a nuggets that just won't quit.  I have spent hours on their website and figuring out whether a nugget platter would be good for trivia night at one of the local Catholic churches and / or MVC.  But I don't know if I can wait that long.  Help me Je-bus!


Matt said...

I am 100% in agreement about Chick-fil-a. This is by far my favorite fast food restaurant (and probably ranks up there in the my favorite overall restaurant category as well).

If you read this this Wikipedia article you'll find out that its actually a very respectable company as well:

They are closed on Sunday's so their employee's can go to church. They train them well & they are polite, always saying "My pleasure".

For those with kids, their kids meal toys are things like Mensa toys, etc. instead of My Little Pony like you get at some other places.

Chad said...

I've been hearing alot about Chick Fil a lately, maybe it's time to give it another shot. It's been awhile since I've eaten there, but my memories include nothing spectacular. I will go nuggets this time.

Also, for Shoney's, try driving to Battlefield and National or Google Map any of the other Springfield, MO Shoney's locations.

Justin said...

Chad, don't forget the waffle fries.

I looked up all Missouri locations of Shoneys. They have closed all of them in KC, STL and Columbia. The only ones still around are in Springfield, Joplin, Neosho and Branson. Consider yourselves in Springfield lucky.

DBear said...

Ahhhh Shoneys...I used to love piling my plate full of bacon.

I don't even think I've been to a buffet-type restaurant in a long time unless its Chinese.