With the bye week approaching, I have changed my goal for the KC Chiefs to shoot for the # 1 draft pick this year. While I won't cheer for the Chiefs to lose, I will cheer for the Lions and Rams to win. KC needs a QB bad. Matt Stafford appears to be the best QB is a pro-style offense. So, here is to the Chiefs getting the best college QB.
Also, Chiefs should trade Tony G to a contender for a first round draft pick. They are rebuilding, and he needs to win a championship before he retires. Chiefs may be able to get top OL in the draft, which the desperately need too.
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3 years ago
You really wanna invest a top tier pick in a QB? Aw man, that's risky - take it from a Titans fan. Thank god for Kerry Collins.
Not sure you can get a 1st round pick for a 32 year old TE, even if its Tony G, but I'd take whatever mid-round pick you can get - Tony won't be around by the time your young guys get the Chiefs good again anyway...let him free
Your such a naysayer Martin. Glass half-full. Look at Matt Ryan in Atlanta. There has to be some idiot GM besides Al Davis that would trade his #1 draft pick for Tony G. Think positively.
True - Matt Ryan looks like the real deal. But for every Matt Ryan and Eli Manning, there's an equal number of Vince Youngs and Matt Leinarts and Alex Smiths...
My Titans glass is definitely half full, but not b/c of Vince Young. Looks like Tennessee should've stayed in its own backyard and gone w/ Vandy's Jay Cutler.
Your Chiefs will be fine. As much as you hate him, Peterson's a good GM that will have you on top again in a couple years (or his successor will have Peterson's players on top again, anyway)
It looks like Croyle is starting again in two weeks. I for one am still hoping he can pull it out. Not because I have any faith left in him, but just because I would love to use our draft picks elsewhere.
It makes the most sense to take a QB now, we still have 2 or 3 years before we are "good" again so that would give them time to develop without expectations being too high. However we have other needs that I think could impact us more, and there are usually free agent QBs, look at Martin's beloved Titans.
At this point I'm not sure we are a "bring QB up in the system...system". All of our recent success at QB has been getting veterans who are ready to play. Maybe that says something about the coaching staff?
That said, I'm sure the Titans defense will put him out for the season sometime during the first quarter.
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